14. Juni 2021
low parasitic capacitance 0.1 pf typ.
effective parallel resistance, Rch 800 Ohm typ.
aqueous washable
protected by US Patent: 6,133,525
biasing amplifiers
biasing of laser diodes
biasing of active antennas
14. Juni 2021
Precision attenuation up to 50 GHz
Fine resolution, 0.5 dB
Fast transitions, 100 ns
USB and Ethernet control
Control up to 25 attenuators via a single interface via ‘Daisy Chain’ connection
Transmission loss simulation
5G network infrastructure
Microwave point to point links
VHF / UHF / L / S / C / X / Ku / K band testing
14. Juni 2021
Super wideband, 18000 - 44000 MHz
Low insertion loss, 1.2 dB typ.
Low amplitude unbalance, 0.1 dB typ.
Excellent VSWR, 1.16:1 typ.
High isolation, 28 dB typ.
Fixed satellite
Space research
14. Juni 2021
15 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 Watt
Input 9 – 80 VDC
Output 5, 12,15, 24, 27, 36, 48, 60 VDC
Single or DUAL Variations
Operation Temp. -40(-60) ...110°C (130°C)
Safety Standards IEC/EN 60950, Mil-STD
14. Juni 2021
Wide frequency range, 40 to 65 GHz
Excellent coupling flatness, ±0.6 dB typ. up to 65 GHz
Good directivity, 15 dB typ. up to 65 GHz
Excellent in/out return loss, 18 dB typ. up to 65 GHz
DC current pass-through input to output (max. 363mA)
fixed satellite
lab us
14. Juni 2021
718 – 758 MHz, 50 Ohm
Low insertion loss with excellent power handling
Fast roll-off
Fractional bandwidth from <1 – 25%
Excellent temperature stability
Connectorized package, SMA-connectors
Rugged construction to handle demanding environmental conditions
Satellite communication
Test and measurement
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