13. Jan. 2021
Match to 50Ω in the stop band, eliminates undesired reflections
Temperature stable, up to 105°C
Protected by US Patent No. 8,392,495
Microwave Radio
Military & Space
13. Jan. 2021
Wideband, 2 to 8 GHz
High IP3, 40 dBm typ.
Medium power output, 6W dBm
High flat gain, 33±2 dB typ.
Radar and military
Test instrumentation
Satellite repeaters
13. Jan. 2021
Dual mechanical transfer switch
Wideband performance DC up to 40 GHz
High reliability, 2 million switch cycles
High isolation
Typical Applications
5G node / device testing
Automated test equipment
Fail-safe / redundancy switching
Switch matrices
13. Jan. 2021
broadband; Input 6 – 10 GHz, Output 12 – 20 GHz, 50 Ohm
low conversion loss, 17 dB typ.
excellent harmonics suppression F1, 35 dBc typ F3 38 dBc typ.
rugged construction
local oscillators
sattelite up and down converters
defense radar and communications
fixed microwave
13. Jan. 2021
wideband, 4700 to 12000 MHz, 50 Ohm
miniature size, 0.079”x0.098”x0.035”
LTCC construction
low cost
aqueous washable
Point to Point
Radio navigation
13. Jan. 2021
Wide frequency range, 1 to 20 GHz, 50 Ohm
Good coupling flatness, ±0.5 dB typ. up to 18 GHz, 0.6 dB typ. up to 20 GHz
Good directivity, 15 dB typ. up to 20 GHz
Good return loss, 21 dB typ. up to 20 GHz
DC current pass through input to output
fixed satellite
lab use
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