13. Jan. 2021
Wide attenuation range, 120 dB
Fine attenuation resolution, 0.05 dB
Short attenuation transition time (200 ns)
Compact size, 2.5 x 3.0 x 0.85”
USB and Ethernet control
(Included Accessories MUSB-CBL-3+ 2.6 ft. USB cable)
Signal level calibration
Automated gain control
LTE, 5G, DVB fading simulators
Laboratory instrumentation
Wi-Fi device testing
13. Jan. 2021
Wideband frequency coverage, DC to 18 GHz
Low Loss, 0.57 dB at 18 GHz
Excellent Return Loss, 22 dB at 18 GHz
Hand formable to almost any custom shape without special bending tools
3.2mm bend radius for tight installations
Connector interface, meets MIL-STD-348
Ideal for interconnect of assembled systems
Replacement for custom bent 0.047" semi-rigid cables
Communication receivers and transmitters
Military and aerospace system
Environmental and test chambers
13. Jan. 2021
flat response
excellent VSWR, 1.11 (1.06) typ. up to 20 GHz and 1.15 typ. up to 40 GHz
low cost adapters, available from stock
rugged stainless steel body, passivated and gold-plated berillium copper center contact
can interface with SMA connector
interconnection of RF cable and equipment
13. Jan. 2021
Hand Formable
Choice of Connector Types: SMA-Male, SMA-Female w/Bulkhead, SMA-Male Right-Angle
Tight Bend Radius, 6mm Radius Min.
Excellent Return Loss
Excellent Insertion Loss
Very Low Cost
13. Jan. 2021
Small package, 2x2 MCLP™
Super Wide bandwidth, DC-50 GHz, 50 Ohm
Excellent VSWR, 1.19:1 typ. at 25 GHz
High Power Handling, 2W
Patent pending REV. OR ECO-003154 QAT-3+ CM/CP/AM 200727
Typical Applications
Test and Measurement
13. Jan. 2021
Mechanical SPDT switch, Ethernet & USB Controlled
Excellent performance to 26.5 GHz
High reliability, 10 million switch cycles
20W power rating (cold switching)
Typical Applications
5G node / device testing
Automated test equipment
Fail-safe / redundancy switching
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