Neu von Mini-Circuits
Signalquelle und 750W-Hochleistungsverstärker

Mini Citcuits - Signalquelle und 750W-Hochleistungsverstärker<br>RFS-G90G93750X+
Signalquelle und 750W-Hochleistungsverstärker
  • High output power, 750W
  • 902 to 928MHz ISM band
  • Suitable for CW and pulsed signals
  • High gain, 59 dB typical
  • High efficiency, 63%
  • High ruggedness
  • Built-in monitoring and protection for temperature, voltage, current, forward, and reflected power
  • Includes signal generation (frequency, amplitude, and phase control)
  • User friendly USB interface
  • Labview™ instrument drivers and Modbus interface available
  • Can operate as a stand-alone amplifier
The RFS-G90G93750X+ module can be used as a building block in any single or multi-channel system for high power RF Energy applications such as:
  • Materials processing
  • Food processing (heating, tempering, and pasteurization)
  • Microwave-assisted chemistry
  • Plasma generation
  • Plasma surface treatment
  • Disinfection/Sterilization
  • Chemistry
  • Agriculture (pest and bacteria eradication)
  • Semiconductor RF generators