Solid State Signal-Quelle mit integriertem HF-Verstärker
Monitoring & Control
Monitoring & Control
- High output power, 50W y 2.4 to 2.5 GHz ISM band
- Suitable for CW and pulsed signals
- High gain, 53 dB typical
- High efficiency, 42%
- High ruggedness
- Built-in monitoring and protection for temperature, current, forward and reflected power
- Includes signal generation and control
- User friendly USB or 3.3V RS232 UART interface
- Labview™ instrument drivers and Modbus interface available
- Can operate as a stand-alone amplifier
- Materials processing
- Food processing (heating, tempering, and pasteurization)
- Microwave-assisted chemistry
- Plasma generation
- Plasma surface treatment
- Disinfection/Sterilization
- Chemistry
- Medical (heating, hyperthermia and ablation)
- Semiconductor RF generators